Neutropenia is the result of having a white spheres value of 1000/mm3 in blood count. If this number is around 500/mm3 the case is called absolute neutropenia. Lower neutrophile count will leave you vulnerable against infections in which case your physician will require you to take extra precautions thus making you less prone to infections which could be transmitted by external means.
However there’s another issue here which should always be taken into account. White spheres are found naturally in our body and provide protection against non-infectious germs during times in which the body is stronger. During neutropenia some microorganisms called opportunist infections could cause infections.
Fever is likely during the illness. During neutropenia if fever taken from the armpits or mouth exceeds 38-38.5 degrees Celsius this is called the febrile neuropenia.
It is highly recommended to keep track of your fever. Fever sometimes is the first symptom for an infection. During neutropenia besides fever the below are also likely.
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Respiratory disorder
- Nasal flow
- Burning sensation during urination
- Tremors
- Pain in the catheter area
- Sensitivity Rash
The necessary precautions your physician would choose will be likely antibiotics for starters. You could be hospitilized if necessary. In order to determine the focus area of the infection a pulmonary function test, urine test and blood cultures are the way to start with. Your physician could ask for advanced tests if necessary. During fever and neutropenia an infectional diseases expert should be consulted.
Febrile neutropenia could ask for these precautions:
- In case the fever is constant between 38-38.5 degrees Celsius for an hour blood samples should be taken.
- Preemptive isolation (No visitors)
- Daily skin cleaning (If the patient is available daily warm showers or sponge baths)
- Cutting fingernails for patients who are not Thrombocytopeniac. (long fingernails are home to germs)
- Regular mouth care
- Regular catheter care
- Any health personnel or visitor should wash up before going into the patient’s room.
- Rubbers and masks should be worn if contact with the patient is necessary
- Food brought in should be suitable for the patient’s diet
- Clothes should be clean.
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The shapey elements found in blood which enable coagulation are called blood scales or thrombocytes. A decrease in blood scales is called Thrombocythemia. Your physician would inform you about this during your blood tests follow-ups. When thrombocytes count is roughly 150.000/mm3 is likely to be called Thrombocythemia. In this case if the thrombocyte functions are adequate there should not be any risks for bleeding. If it’s between 10.000-20.000 little traumas could cause bleeding. Spontaneous and serious bleedings are likely under these values.
In case your thrombocyte count is low
- Avoid unnecessary invasive procedures
- Avoid hitting and falling
- Avoid intramuscular injections
- Avoid constipation
- Use soft toothbrush
- If thrombocyte count is too low use ne toothbrush at all and only use oral rinse
- Do not use electric shaver
- Do not use pain killers, Aspirin and Novalgin unless you haven’t consulted your physician
- No heavy lifting
- Avoid sharp objects and working with them
During Thrombocythemia
- Bruises
- Bleeding after little cuts and scratches
- Gum and nose bleeding
- Little red spots on skin called petechia
- Headache
- Blood in urine or stool
- Sometimes internal bleeding
are likely to be seen.
Your physician could recommend a thrombocyte suspension by looking at your thrombocyte count. Mostly this value is 10.000/mm3.
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